VISION is open-source software written in MATLAB for video stabilisation using automatic features detection. It can be applied for any use, but it has been developed […]
This set of three documents represents a blueprint of an Operations Manual for UAS operations (OM) targeting environmental studies, accompanied by an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and an example of […]
The inherent biases of different long-term gridded surface soil moisture (SSM) products, unconstrained by the in situ observations, implies different spatio-temporal patterns. In this study, the […]
While the availability and affordability of unmanned aerial systems (UASs) has led to the rapid development of remote sensing applications in hydrology and hydrometry, uncertainties related […]
Unoccupied aerial systems (UASs) are frequently used in the field of fluvial geomorphology due to their capabilities for observing the continuum rather than single sample points. […]
Ecosystem complexity is among the important drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and unmanned aerial systems (UASs) are becoming an important tool for characterizing vegetation patterns […]
Water infiltration rate (WIR) into the soil profile was investigated through a comprehensive study harnessing spectral information of the soil surface. As soil spectroscopy provides invaluable […]
Image-based approaches for surface velocity estimations are becoming increasingly popular because of the increasing need for low-cost river flow monitoring methods. In this context, seeding characteristics […]