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Upscaling UAS Paradigm to UltraLight Aircrafts: A Low-Cost Multi-Sensors System for Large Scale Aerial Photogrammetry
12 April 2020
Can Low-Cost Unmanned Aerial Systems Describe the Forage Quality Heterogeneity? Insight from a Timothy Pasture Case Study in Southern Belgium
22 May 2020

Intertwining Observations and Predictions in Vadose Zone Hydrology: A Review of Selected Studies

It has been published the invited manuscript entitled “Intertwining Observations and Predictions in Vadose Zone Hydrology: A Review of Selected Studies” by Nunzio Romano on our special issue “Hydrological and Environmental Modeling: from Observations to Predictions“.

This review paper explores the value of the interplay between observations and predictions by presenting and discussing some selected studies dealing with vadose zone hydrology. Nunzio Romano argue for an advanced vision in carrying out these two tasks to tackle the issues of ecosystem services and general environmental challenges more effectively. There is a recognized need to set up networks of critical zone observatories in which strategies are developed and tested that combine different measurement techniques with the use of models of different complexity.

How to cite: Romano, N. Intertwining Observations and Predictions in Vadose Zone Hydrology: A Review of Selected Studies. Water 202012, 1107. [pdf]

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